Waffle Bowl Rules: Latest Edition

Like sports, good waffles have rules. These are ours. If you have questions, ask Gordie he will not only answer them but also reign over Waffle Bowl like a despot. A despot that loves waffles.

1 entry per person
You must make at least 2 waffles for your entry (you are encouraged to make more for sharing though)
-1 in small pieces for tasting
-1 whole presented as you like to the judges
All entries must be named
Must have labels for the judges and for the others that you share with.
Original recipes only
Winner of best overall waffle has to submit a recreatable recipe for said waffle
Judges are not allowed to enter a waffle
You can pre-make batter and toppings separately but, waffles must be cooked and final product constructed in a waffle bowl approved kitchen
The winner of Best Overall Waffle will be asked to join as the second judge for next year's Waffle Bowl. If you can not, or choose not, to fulfill this duty, it will move to the person that finished second.

We will try and schedule times for people to cook if you can't be here the entire time but you need to RSVP for that to happen.

Categories for Judging


Categories for Prizes:
Best Topping
Best Waffle Batter
Best Presentation
Best Overall

It works sort of like a peoples' choice award (though it actually means something, unlike a Peoples' Choice Award.) The tasting table will feature a box where anyone tasting waffles may vote for their two favorite waffles of the competition. When it's all said and done, and we've tallied up the votes, one lucky winner will receive a worthless prize for being the fan-selected MVP of Waffle Bowl.

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